Meeting Schedule and Format:
Agendas shall be prepared for all regular meetings and posted on the DAC website in advance of meetings. Minutes will be kept for all regular meetings and posted on the District website.
The chairperson of the committee shall set its agenda and shall schedule at least two meetings per year, including the public meeting required by law. The meeting dates will be published annually, before the first day of school. The regular meeting schedule will be posted on the La Joya ISD website. Meetings will be held virtually via Microsoft TEAMS.
Please contact the Communications & Public Relations Department for questions about the District Advisory Committee.
In compliance with the law, the District Advisory Committee (DAC) advises the Board or its designee in reviewing the District’s improvement plan, educational goals, performance objectives, and District-wide classroom instructional programs. [See BQA]
The committee shall be composed of members who shall represent campus-based professional staff, District-level professional staff, parents, businesses, and the community. When practicable, professional staff representation shall include a representative with the primary responsibility for educating students with disabilities. For purposes of this policy, District-level professional staff shall be defined as professionals who have responsibilities at more than one campus, including but not limited to, central office staff. The committee’s composition is represented in Figure 1.

Selection Process:
Application and nomination/election forms will be posted to the District website no later than 11:59 PM on the day prior to the opening of the selection process window. Notifications will be sent to the identified committee via email during the week following the closure of the selection process window. Figure 2 outlines the selection process open period for the school year.
Membership Terms:
All teacher representatives shall serve staggered two-year terms and shall not serve consecutive terms on the committee. All other representatives shall serve one-year terms and shall not serve consecutive terms on the committee. A vacancy during a term shall be filled for the remainder of the term by election or selection as appropriate for the category.
Expectations of Members:
The DAC will develop a set of norms to follow ensuring that all members conduct themselves with courtesy and respect to fellow members, District parents and students, as well as District staff and trustees.
Roles and Responsibilities:
The DAC is established by law and serves strictly as an advisory council. It has no power to expend public funds, enter into contracts, or otherwise place obligation or liability upon the district.