Culinary Delight: Student Ambassadors Engage in Tasting Session for Upcoming School Menu

Today marked an exciting event for our district's Child Nutrition Services (CNS) department as they hosted a special tasting session during our Student Ambassador round table. The aim? To let our students have a say in what delicious dishes will grace their cafeteria menus in the upcoming school year.

From delicious chicken tenders to mouthwatering pizzas and even savory egg rolls, the menu options were diverse and tantalizing. Student representatives from every campus across the district had the unique opportunity to sample these culinary delights and provide valuable feedback.

With tasting sheet in hand, students rated each item on a scale ranging from excellent to poor. Additionally, they were asked whether they would like to see these items featured on next year's menus. Their opinions will play a crucial role in shaping the dining experience for all students district-wide.

Dr. Marcey Sorensen, our Superintendent, was actively engaged in the session. As she made her rounds, she eagerly sought out students' thoughts on the tasting experience. "It's inspiring to witness our students actively participating in decisions that directly impact their school experience," Dr. Sorensen remarked.

Mr. Rolando Hernandez, Director of the Child Nutrition Services department, echoed this sentiment. "At the heart of our mission is providing nutritious and delicious meals that our students love. Today's tasting session reaffirms our commitment to incorporating student preferences into our menu planning process," Mr. Hernandez stated.

The Student Ambassador round table serves as a vital platform for student voices to be heard and valued. Through initiatives like these, we empower our students to actively shape their educational environment, fostering a sense of ownership and community within our schools. As we move forward, we look forward to implementing the valuable feedback gathered today and continuing to prioritize student input in all aspects of our district's operations.

In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated members of the CNS department for their commitment to ensuring our students receive the best meals possible in our schools. Their tireless efforts behind the scenes make moments like today's tasting session possible, enriching the lives of our students and fostering a culture of wellness and excellence within our district. Thank you for all that you do!
