About Us
Corina Peña Elementary School
4800 Liberty Blvd.
Peñitas, Texas 78576
Phone: (956) 323-2750
Fax: (956) 323-2751
Coyote Pride
Corina S. Peña Elementary is located at 4800 North Liberty Drive in Peñitas, Texas. Corina Sanchez Peña joined the Tabasco Consolidated Independent School District (now La Joya ISD) in 1932 as a first-grade teacher at Los Ebanos Elementary School. She demonstrated her support for children and the community through efforts like organizing a “rhythm band” for students, coordinating salvage and recycling efforts as part of the rationing movement during World War II, and reaching out to parents to help them take advantage of health services for their children. Peña was also a leader in education by looking for techniques and strategies to help students learn.
Corina Peña Elementary School employs 44 teachers, who have been with the school for an average of 6 years. The teachers average 8 years of experience in teaching. The school currently has 739 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 16.80 S/T. The special education division has 3-teachers assisting it. Corina Pena Elementary School also employs 8 education aids.