Players of the Week
La Joya ISD Swears in New Chief of Police, Leonardo Sanchez
Congratulations Alvaro, Jan, Erwin, Anneth, Oscar for being awarded the 2023 College Board National Hispanic Recognition Award
 La Joya ISD and Region One ESC Forge New Partnership to Elevate Education
spike the competition
La Joya Independent School District Announces Lone Finalist for Superintendent of Schools: Heriberto D. Gonzalez
2023-2024 Football Season Juarez Lincoln football Husky Nation
school principal holding certificates in front of backdrop
La Joya ISD Partners with Moak Casey to Enhance Education Practices
Empowering Excellence: La Joya ISD Principals and Administration Trained to Boost Student Focus and Achievement
pizzas on pans in an oven
Celebrating Success: La Joya ISD Graduation Day 2023
Way to go Maria R. Top Reader, 2022-2023,  2,500,000+ words
collage of 5 girls posing in red shirts, words Lady Husky Powerlifting above the pictures
portrait of JROTC in uniform in front of flags
student at table with family and adults standing behind her
Teacher Appreciation Week
teachers in jerseys on baseball field with JLHS baseball seniors
delicious with two opposite ingredients