Prioritizing Mental Health: Interim Superintendent Heriberto Gonzalez's Commitment to Supporting the La Joya ISD Community

La Joya ISD observed Mental Health Awareness Month. Our Interim Superintendent, Heriberto Gonzalez, met with our principals to address the crucial matters surrounding mental health.

During this meeting, our Interim Superintendent emphasized the significance of prioritizing mental health support within our school community. He recognized the challenges faced by our students, staff, and families, particularly during these uncertain times. With genuine concern and compassion, he discussed the importance of fostering a safe and nurturing environment that promotes well-being, resilience, and emotional growth.

By openly acknowledging the significance of mental health and initiating this conversation, our Interim Superintendent has taken a significant step forward in ensuring that our schools are spaces where individuals feel valued, heard, and supported. Our commitment to addressing these crucial matters reflects his dedication to the well-being of our entire La Joya ISD family.

We were reminded that our children come to our classrooms  at times with needs and challenges which are unseen or unheard. As such, we must incline our hearts to address and fulfill the emotional and mental needs of our children. Together, we can create a community that supports one another's emotional well-being and embraces the importance of mental health.

Interim Superintendent Gonzalez reminded us to prioritize self-care, lead from the heart, and attuned to the hearts of our children. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to the available resources within our school district.

At La Joya ISD we will continue to build a caring and inclusive environment where everyone's mental health is valued and nurtured as we remain STUDENT FOCUSED, DATA DRIVEN, AND RESULTS ORIENTED!

